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Aminet 13

   Aminet CD 13, dated August 1996, contains more than 1 gigabyte (uncompressed) of software in thousands of archives. Since the release of Aminet CD 12 more than 800 MB new software has appeared. The current edition has a special focus on animations. Hundreds of animations from various sources were included. The commercial highlight of this edition is a full version of MainActor V1.55.

Contents of Aminet 13

 Directory Size Files Contents
 biz 25 MB 59 Business software
 comm 48 MB 291 Communications
 demo 131 MB 136 Graphics & sound demo
 dev 43 MB 137 Development software
 disk 3 MB 33 Disk & HD tools
 docs 23 MB 68 Documents
 game 88 MB 196 Games
 gfx 50 MB 112 Graphics software
 hard 3 MB 21 Hardware related
 misc 18 MB 51 Miscellaneous
 mus 18 MB 61 Music software
 pix 293 MB 432 Pictures
 text 36 MB 84 Text software
 util 41 MB 313 Utilities
contact details
SAdENESS Software - 13 Russell Terrace - Mundesley - Norfolk - NR11 8LJ - England/UK

Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1263 722169

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